
Revitalizing the Donor Pipeline Through Annual Giving

Navigating the evolving philanthropic terrain is imperative for organizations to recalibrate their focus. Investing in base-level giving is not merely a tactic for immediate gains but a strategic imperative for pipeline development. BWF looked at a data set from 12 different colleges and universities to uncover trends and provide evidence to support investment in the donor pipeline. This whitepaper discusses key takeaways and recommendations for your organization.

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How to Ensure Your Strategic Planning Powers Organizational Success

Are you ready for a strategic plan? Strategic plans are incredibly valuable tools, particularly for nonprofit organizations that are always trying to balance meeting the needs of those they serve with often increasingly fewer resources. BWF’s Tracey Storey dives into the questions you should ask yourself as you consider undertaking a strategic planning process.

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You Might Be Undervaluing the Donor Experience in Your Fundraising Program

One of the most trending topics in fundraising in recent years is the rise of Donor Experience offices. What are charities doing to up their game for the benefit of donors? What are the factors that influence donor retention? This white paper explores the importance of these programs and provides insights for those crafting their own programs.

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Partners in Philanthropy: The Hospital/Health System CEO and CDO

Look behind the scenes of any significant capital campaign or in the hallways of a high-performing hospital foundation, and you will likely find the hospital or health system chief executive officer (CEO) in lock step with the foundation head or chief development officer (CDO).

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Communicating with the Philanthropic Unicorn

Have a moonshot idea that needs a transformational gift to make it a reality? Want to deepen your pipeline of well-heeled and influential donors looking to co-create philanthropic opportunities? Wondering if your strategies and communications are fully leveraged to reach this dynamic yet relatively small pool of UHNW individuals? This thought piece explores the motivations of UHNW individuals and provides insights into how best to ensure your communications approaches hit the mark.

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