Thought Leadership
BWF is a recognized and respected thought leader in the philanthropic sector. We are constantly assessing the fundraising landscape and providing timely guidance and insights.
BWF is a recognized and respected thought leader in the philanthropic sector. We are constantly assessing the fundraising landscape and providing timely guidance and insights.
To have a successful event, you will need three key things: a well-thought-out list of invitations, a compelling speaker (or speakers) with a genuine message and ask, and a hospitable atmosphere.
Journey analytics provides us the opportunity to combine our singular insights and create insight at scale to not only match the size of our constituency but the depth and length of their relationships with us.
Prospect research professionals spend much of their time uncovering or confirming a prospect’s wealth, but what happens when research finds something concerning or that could negatively impact a prospect’s philanthropic capacity?
Board members are “mission critical” especially in the life of small nonprofit organizations. By paying close attention and understanding important characteristics of volunteer leadership, the organization will be positioned for long-term success.
With a storied history including a top-20 national ranking in all-time victories, a top-10 national ranking in both all-time winning percentage and 20-win seasons, and ranking third in regular season […]
The athletic seating deduction was an important facet within college and university fundraising. However, in January 2018 new tax laws reexamined this deduction, making it non-deductible for donors. Here we provide a brief synopsis of change and alternatives for fundraisers to consider.
Today nonprofits of every mission and size continue to leverage analytics to inform individual constituent persona behavior, predict outcomes of campaigns, and assess program performance.
A supportive, welcoming start to an organization’s team is proven to set up new gift officers with future success. The List of 10 method is a prioritized to-do list to help managers successfully onboard new talent.
Enhance donor satisfaction and engagement, while increasing the likelihood of closing future major and planned gifts.